Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Electronics Paper Text

Samantha Michie
18 October 2016

The smartphone, specifically the iPhone, is the most widely known 21st century technology. Many things have influenced this technology, including: computers, the original cellphones, cameras, futuristic devices from older movies (Star Trek), as well as the human mind. Smartphones are the combination of a cell phone, a camera, and a computer into one device. We have even taken it as far as putting a personified voice response system into more recent smartphones.

The newest iPhone, the iPhone 7, has taken all of these features to the next level. They have integrated two cameras into the iPhone 7 in order to produce a better picture than that of an actual camera. Not only is the camera even better, but the iPhone 7’s processor has a higher capacity than any of its predecessors. This “smartphone” can quickly look up information, and give the user more knowledge than is in their own mind. This knowledge has made life easier for humans, as we do not have to memorize as much information as we used to.

Another feature of the iPhone 7 that has had the most impact on every day lives is the personified voice response system. Human conscience and technologies of the human voice have influenced this part of the 21st century technology. One of the most basic forms of technology has influenced one of the most complex. Siri, the name given to this technology of the iPhone 7, can communicate clearly with the person who is using it. It can answer questions, access the internet, and even send text messages on the person’s behalf.

The iPhone 7 and other smartphones are predecessors of smartphone like devices being implanted into the human brain. In the 2002 novel Feed, written by Matthew Anderson, humans have these devices implanted in them that are similar to smartphones. I could imagine this happening in the not so far future, where kids no longer will have to go to school to become knowledgable. Soon everything will be faster than a type and a swipe away, soon we will be able to just glance at or think of something, and the information will bombard our minds with information. Soon everyone will be “all knowing.”

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